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GB/T 15587-2008 工业企业能源管理导则

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-05-20 10:26:20  浏览:9400   来源:标准资料网
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英文名称:Guideline for energy management in industry enterprise
中标分类: 能源、核技术 >> 能源、核技术综合 >> 技术管理
替代情况:替代GB/T 15587-1995
发布部门:中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会

本标准代替GB/T 15587-1995《工业企业能源管理导则》。
本标准与GB/T 15587-1995相比,主要变化如下:






GB/T2589 综合能耗计算通则
GB/T3484 企业能量平衡通则
GB/T12723 单位产品能源消耗限额编制通则
GB/T17166 企业能源审计技术通则
GB17167 用能单位能源计量器具配备和管理通则
GB/T19000 质量管理体系 基础和术语
GB/T19001 质量管理体系 要求

所属分类: 能源 核技术 能源 核技术综合 技术管理
下载地址: 点击此处下载
Product Code:SAE AIR1673
Title:Aircraft Cargo Door Opening/Sill Details for Ground Support Equipment Interface
Issuing Committee:Age-2a Cargo Handling Committee
Scope: Manufacturers/designers of all aircraft equipped with a pallet/container capability have provided a means of linking the ground loaders/elevators with the aircraft sill for the smoother transfer of pallets and containers into or out of the aircraft holds.Use of the aircraft attachment points may be used as a means of averting damage to the aircraft door frames and other important parts. Latch-on guarantees fore and aft and vertical alignment of the loader bed with the aircraft doorway, when used in conjunction with the appropriate ground equipment.This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) has been prepared by SAE Subcommittee AGE-2A to present a review of the current range of aircraft attachment points on wide body aircraft and those narrow body aircraft with a ULD cargo capability. Airline operators, who utilized these facilities, have been faced with a growing number of adaptor bars necessary to suit each type of aircraft and door position. There is also a stowage problem on the elevator compounded by the increasing number of bars necessary to suit each aircraft. Some measure of standardization is obviously desirable.The adapter bars which have to be fitted to the forward face of the elevators to suit each different type of sill attachment are very heavy and present some handling problems to operators.Where the same elevator services different aircraft types, these bars may have to be changed many times each day on the ramp.Alternatively, elevators have to be restricted to servicing specific aircraft types or to those aircraft where a common attachment point already exists.
Rationale: Manufacturers/designers of all aircraft equipped with a pallet/container capability have provided a means of linking the ground loaders/elevators with the aircraft sill for the smoother transfer of pallets and containers into or out of the aircraft holds.Use of the aircraft attachment points may be used as a means of averting damage to the aircraft door frames and other important parts. Latch-on guarantees fore and aft and vertical alignment of the loader bed with the aircraft doorway, when used in conjunction with the appropriate ground equipment.This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) has been prepared by SAE Subcommittee AGE-2A to present a review of the current range of aircraft attachment points on wide body aircraft and those narrow body aircraft with a ULD cargo capability. Airline operators, who utilized these facilities, have been faced with a growing number of adaptor bars necessary to suit each type of aircraft and door position. There is also a stowage problem on the elevator compounded by the increasing number of bars necessary to suit each aircraft. Some measure of standardization is obviously desirable.The adapter bars which have to be fitted to the forward face of the elevators to suit each different type of sill attachment are very heavy and present some handling problems to operators.Where the same elevator services different aircraft types, these bars may have to be changed many times each day on the ramp.Alternatively, elevators have to be restricted to servicing specific aircraft types or to those aircraft where a common attachment point already exists.【英文标准名称】:Measuringmethodsandtestingproceduresforelectromechanicalcomponents;test2h:resistance(earthing)fromactuatortomountingbushing(surface)